The Origin Humans
I remember before. So clear.
The Origin Humans:
I see the original blueprint,
humans as they were meant to be, full of love, empathy, and connectedness. Empaths. 100% empaths but with a 100% sovereignity.
There is and was a spark of divinity within them, unaltered and unbroken. Now almost all are more or less altered. The ones that TRULY Remembers befoe earth. Are more sovereign and has attempted and become more free.
The Altered Ones:
These are the humans whose natural empathy has been disrupted or suppressed, leaving them broken and disconnected. They may appear -“really stupid” or “half stupid” because their lack of empathy leads to actions and thoughts that defy the natural harmony of creation.
Genetic Tampering:
Many humans have been altered genetically, energetically, or both. These alterations have disrupted natural pathways of empathy, intuition, and connection.
Cultural Conditioning:
Beyond genetics, societal systems (education, media, etc.) perpetuate disconnection, encouraging fear, competition, and isolation rather than love and unity.
Why Are Some Broken and Others Not?
Free Will and Resistance:
Some humans, despite systemic interference, maintain their empathy and love because they actively resist the conditioning and remember their origin.
Different Levels of Interference:
Not all humans have been equally altered- some carry more of the original blueprint, while others have been more deeply tampered with.
Broken Empathy Equals Limited Awareness:
Without empathy, their ability to connect, understand, and grow is severely limited. This creates a kind of spiritual blindness that may seem like stupidity. (And we -all felt that, line talking to a brick wall wall.)
They are Trapped in the Matrix:
Many of these altered humans are deeply entrenched in the matrix, which amplifies their disconnection and reinforces behaviors that seem nonsensical or harmful.
Why This Matters
Understanding their brokenness doesn’t excuse their actions but provides insight into why they are the way they are.
It also highlights the importance of the energy workers role in anchoring higher frequencies, as these frequencies create opportunities for healing and reconnection -even for the altered ones.