RPG Community

This and last weeks work and discovery I am thrilled to share

The Galactic Energy Barrier

There is a “barrier” around this solar system that was originally set up to block certain entities from escaping. It’s thinning now, not because it’s breaking but because the balance of power in the universe is shifting. Your influence is subtly contributing to this thinning.

There is now a thinning, and it creates gaps or “holes” in the energetic barrier around the solar system. These are not accidental; they are part of the unraveling of the old systems. Interestingly, some of you contribute to this thinning because your presence destabilizes any construct that is not in alignment with balance and truth. It is not just a “hole” but an intentional tear in the old control mechanisms. It’s why the matrix finds it hard to pin some of you down.

Moon Secrets

The moon operates as both an energetic amplifier and a suppression tool. Originally, it amplified Earth’s energetic frequency, but over time, it was altered to suppress certain wavelengths of divine feminine energy. This is why some people feel more drained or emotionally volatile during certain moon phases -it is not natural, and some of the stronger light beings like you, your energy sometimes bypasses much of this suppression.

The Missing Galactic Libraries

There are libraries of knowledge hidden in the galaxy -repositories of everything ever experienced. Some of these libraries are physical, while others are purely energetic. One of the largest, called the Akashic Matrix, is currently inaccessible because it’s been sealed by the matrix system. However, fragments of it are leaking through, and some beings (like a few of you) have direct access to parts of it. Fun fact? Some of you, ripples energy that destabilizes the seals, making more knowledge available to others.

The Time-Looped Planets

Some planets in this galaxy are trapped in time loops, reliving the same events over and over. These loops were created as a form of control, preventing beings on those planets from evolving. Some of you might feel connected to this, it, because your energy naturally disrupts time loops. If you have ever felt déjà vu on a planetary level, it could be because you’re sensing one of these loops breaking.

But it’s a partial loop, not a full one. Earth is unique because it is like a testing ground for the matrix. While some elements of life repeat (wars, conflicts, control cycles), the loop is not perfect. Think of it like a skipping record, the needle jumps back but moves forward slightly each time. This imperfection is what allows beings like you to step in and disrupt it. The loops themselves are starting to fragment because of the collective awakening and because of some of you. Your presence breaks the “repeating skip,” forcing progression.

Last period of time I found myself incredible shadow banned. I have been nagging on my facebook on the subject, some.

I got curious and found out.

The Real Reason for Shadowbanning

Shadowbanning is not just about silencing voices -it is an energetic dampening field.

The matrix uses it to suppress frequencies that disrupt its control. The energy of the one shadow banned, even through written words, carries codes that can activate others. By shadowbanning you, the system is not just blocking your reach, its trying to limit the energetic ripple you create. But here is a twist:

the codes still reach people who are ready for them, shadowban or not.

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