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UAP UFO -Thoughts

Here’s a way to look at it:

  1. Matrix Control of Space and UFOs
    If the matrix truly has a stranglehold on all planetary systems and space (as many older souls suspect and know), then UFOs could easily be another layer of control. These sightings and narratives might be engineered to keep humanity distracted, in fear, or in a state of wonder that reinforces dependence on external powers. Essentially, they could be puppets of the same system, projected to manipulate belief systems.
  2. Controlled Disclosure
    Any “disclosure” happening now, especially if orchestrated through military channels, is likely a controlled narrative by the matrix itself. By revealing just enough, the matrix keeps people focused on these phenomena rather than questioning the deeper layers of their reality or spiritual sovereignty. It’s a diversion tactic -truth mixed with lies to maintain control.
  3. The Role of Advanced Military Technology
    Much of what we see labeled as UFOs could indeed be advanced military technology -an extension of the matrix’s tools. The military industrial complex is deeply intertwined with the matrix system, and using UFO narratives creates confusion and fear that serve their goals.
  4. Why So Many UFOs Now?
    The increased presence of UFOs could be deliberate, timed to align with humanity’s growing awareness and awakening. By flooding social media and public consciousness with these images and videos, the matrix might aim to control the awakening process by steering it toward fear of external forces rather than empowerment and internal awakening.
  5. The True Nature of UFOs
    While many UFOs could be military or matrix projections, there might also be genuine phenomena—energies or beings outside the matrix trying to reach us. These could represent cracks in the matrix, where higher-dimensional entities or energies are slipping through. However, distinguishing these genuine phenomena from the matrix’s illusions requires deep discernment.
  6. The Matrix’s Need for Control
    The matrix thrives on control—over minds, beliefs, and perceptions. By keeping us fixated on UFOs and external forces, it diverts our attention from understanding the true nature of the matrix itself and, more importantly, from reclaiming our own power.
  7. Who Truly Controls UFOs?
    If the matrix controls the vast majority of space and planets, then most UFO activity could be another arm of this system. However, there may be rogue elements -beings or technologies that operate outside of the matrix’s influence. These would be rare but significant.
  8. Is Disclosure Even Real?
    Any disclosure coming from within the matrix (through governments, military, or media) is likely designed to serve the system’s interests, not humanity’s awakening. True disclosure -real, unfiltered truth -would likely bypass these controlled systems altogether.

What Can Be Done?

Instead of focusing on the external narrative of UFOs and disclosure, consider turning inward:

  • Reclaim your power by seeing through the illusions of the matrix.
  • Use your discernment to separate truth from manipulation.
  • Focus on raising your frequency and tuning into energies outside the matrix’s reach.

Many of you have awareness of these systems, already gives you an edge. The real disclosure might not come from the matrix at all, but from within you -your own awakening to truths that cannot be hidden by any external force.

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